5.39. Double Precision Load

Mode  Mnemonic          Format/Opcode
                           8      4      4
R     DLR   RA,RB       |  87  |  RA  |  RB  |
                           4     2     2        8       12<=BR<=15
B     DLB   BR,DSPL     |  0  |  1  |  BR'  |  DSPL  |  BR'=BR-12
                        ------------------------------  RA=R0
                           4     2     2      4   4     12<=BR<=15
BX    DLBX  BR,RX       |  4  |  0  |  BR'  | 1 | RX |  BR'=BR-12
                        ------------------------------  RA=R0
                           8      4      4            16
D     DL    RA,ADDR     --------------------------------------
DX    DL    RA,ADDR,RX  |  86  |  RA  |  RX  |  |    ADDR    |
                           8      4      4            16
I     DLI   RA,ADDR     --------------------------------------
IX    DLI   RA,ADDR,RX  |  88  |  RA  |  RX  |  |    ADDR    |

Description. The double precision Derived Operand, DO, is loaded into the register RA and RA+1 such that the MSH of DO is in RA. The Condition Status, CS, is set based on the result in RA and RA+1.

Register Transfer Description.

(RA,RA+1) <-- DO;
(CS) <-- 0010  if (RA,RA+1) = 0 (Double fixed point zero);
(CS) <-- 0001  if (RA,RA+1) < 0;
(CS) <-- 0100  if (RA,RA+1) > 0;

Registers Affected. RA, RA+1, CS