Normally, implementation-defined pragmas should have no semantic effect for error-free programs; that is, if the implementation-defined pragmas are removed from a working program, the program should still be legal, and should still have the same semantics.
A: The following implementation defined pragmas are exceptions to this rule:
Affects legality
Affects semantics
Affects semantics
Affects semantics
Affects semantics
Affects legality
Affects semantics
Not followed. In each of the above cases, it is essential to the purpose of the pragma that this advice not be followed. For details see Chapter 1.
Normally, an implementation should not define pragmas that can make an illegal program legal, except as follows:
A pragma used to complete a declaration, such as a pragma Import;
A pragma used to configure the environment by adding, removing, or replacing library_items.
A: See response to paragraph 16 of this same section.