A.2. Ackermann's Function

Using an informal functional notation, Ackermann's function is defined as follows:

A(0, n) = n+1
A(m, 0) = A(m-1, 1)
A(m, n) = A(m-1, A(m, n-1))

From the point of view of benchmarking, Ackermann's function is interesting because it consists almost entirely of subprogram calls, and nests the calls deeply if required. The number of calls and the degree of nesting is controlled using the two arguments.

We use A(3,6) as the benchmark. This gives us 172233 calls, with a nesting depth of 511.

Example A-3. Ada Source Code for Ackermann's Function

function Ackermann_Benchmark (M, N : in Integer) return Integer is
   if M = 0 then
      return N + 1;
   elsif N = 0 then
      return Ackermann_Benchmark (M - 1, 1);
      return Ackermann_Benchmark (M - 1, Ackermann_Benchmark (M, N - 1));
   end if;
end Ackermann_Benchmark;

Ackermann's function provides two opportunities for tail recursion optimization, both of which are taken here. The two parameters are passed in register, and the calling procedure saves any live registers across a call.

The generated code is given in Example A-4. For this version of the summary the code was generated at optimization level 2 with all checks on. Recompiling with checks off saves 14 bytes.

Example A-4. Generated Code for Ackermann's Function

   1                            .file  "ackermann_benchmark.adb"
   2                    gcc2_compiled.:
   3                    __gnu_compiled_ada:
   4                            .text
   5                    .global _ada_ackermann_benchmark
   6                    _ada_ackermann_benchmark:
   7 0000 B2F0                  sisp   r15,1
   8 0002 9FEE                  pshm   r14,r14
   9 0004 81EF                  lr     r14,r15
  10 0006 8120                  lr     r2,r0
  11 0008 8101                  lr     r0,r1
  12 000a 81BF                  lr     r11,r15
  13 000c 4AB9 8000             xorm   r11,0x8000
  14 0010 F0B0 0000             c      r11,_stack_limit
  15 0014 7B02                  bge    .+4
  16 0016 7708                  bex    8
  17                    .L5:
  18 0018 4A2A 0000             cim    r2,0
  19 001c 7A03                  jnz    .L2
  20 001e A200                  aisp   r0,1
  21 0020 7413                  j      .L6
  22                    .L2:
  23 0022 4A0A 0000             cim    r0,0
  24 0026 7A04                  jnz    .L4
  25 0028 B220                  sisp   r2,1
  26 002a 8200                  lisp   r0,1
  27 002c 74F6                  j      .L5
  28                    .L4:
  29 002e 8532 FFFF             lim    r3,-1,r2
  30 0032 903E 0001             st     r3,1,r14
  31 0036 8110                  lr     r1,r0
  32 0038 B210                  sisp   r1,1
  33 003a 8102                  lr     r0,r2
  34 003c 7EF0 0000             sjs    r15,_ada_ackermann_benchmark
  35 0040 802E 0001             l      r2,1,r14
  36 0044 74EA                  j      .L5
  37                    .L6:
  38 0046 81FE                  lr     r15,r14
  39 0048 8FEE                  popm   r14,r14
  40 004a A2F0                  aisp   r15,1
  41 004c 7FF0                  urs    r15