Appendix B. Acknowledgments

Table of Contents
B.1. Contributors to GCC
B.2. Contributors to GDB
B.3. Contributors to the Assembler

Many people contributed to the design, writing and production of this user manual. The main source of material was the "texinfo" format documentation included with the GNU C compiler (GCC), the Assembler (GAS), the Linker (GLD), object code utilities and the Debugger (GDB). The following acknowledgment sections are copied verbatim from those sources.

We acknowledge the work of the Davenport group, who developed the DocBook specification, along with the authors of SGMLtools, used in the preparation of this guide. For more information on DocBook, see the DocBook web site.

GCC-1750 and GCC-ERC32 were developed with funding from the European Space Agency under contract 11935/NL/JG.

B.1. Contributors to GCC

In addition to Richard Stallman, several people have written parts of GCC.