--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File: -- -- man.adb -- -- Description: -- -- This program draws a Mandelbrot picture centered at location -- (x0, y0) and with a given magnification. When the magnification -- is set to 1.0 and the center set to (0.0, 0.0) we see a circle -- radius 2.0, with internal detail. -- -- Author: -- -- Chris Nettleton, 1988, for XD Ada -- -- Revision: -- -- $Id: man.adb,v 2004/03/25 09:20:46 cvs Exp $ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- with Ada.Real_Time; with Report; procedure Man is use Ada.Real_Time; use Report; Start_Time, Stop_Time : Time; ------------------------ -- Stuff to configure -- ------------------------ -- Coordinates of center of view x0 : constant := 0.0; y0 : constant := 0.0; -- Magnification of view Mag : constant := 1.0; -- Max iterations in function Mandelbrot Limit : constant := 100; -- Scale of terminal in cols/lines across circle radius 2 x_Scale : constant := 100.0; y_scale : constant := 60.0; ---------------- -- Mandelbrot -- ---------------- function Mandelbrot (Cx, Cy : Float) return Natural is Zx : Float := Cx; Zy : Float := Cy; begin for N in 1 .. Limit loop declare Zxzx : constant Float := Zx * Zx; Zyzy : constant Float := Zy * Zy; begin if Zxzx + Zyzy >= 4.0 then return N; else Zy := 2.0 * Zx * Zy + Cy; Zx := Zxzx - Zyzy + Cx; end if; end; end loop; return 0; end Mandelbrot; begin Test ("man", "A Mandelbrot benchmark"); Start_Time := Clock; declare xmin : constant := x0 - 2.0 / Mag; xmax : constant := x0 + 2.0 / Mag; ymin : constant := y0 - 2.0 / Mag; ymax : constant := y0 + 2.0 / Mag; dx : constant := (xmax - xmin) / x_Scale; dy : constant := (ymax - ymin) / y_Scale; x, y : Float; begin -- Visit each pixel position and compute pixel color. y := ymin; while y <= ymax loop x := xmin; while x <= xmax loop declare Cnt : constant Natural := Mandelbrot (x, y); begin -- Put (Character'Val (Character'Pos (' ') + Cnt rem 96)); x := x + dx; end; end loop; -- New_Line; y := y + dy; end loop; end; Stop_Time := Clock; Comment ( "Time taken =" & Duration'Image (To_Duration (Time_Span'(Stop_Time - Start_Time))) & " seconds"); Result; end Man;