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The Run-Time System

The GCC-1750 run-time system comprises

  • the startup file art0
  • the compiler support library libgcc
  • the ANSI C library libc
  • the math library libm
  • and the POSIX Threads library libpthread

The compiler support library, libgcc, contains functions that the compiler chooses to code out of line. In GCC-1750 most of the functions in libgcc are to do with 64-bit arithmetic.

The ANSI C library, libc, supports all the functions required in a free-standing implementation, plus as many of the rest that can be provided on an embedded 1750.

The math library comprises all the ANSI C double precision functions, and in most cases the accuracy is better than two epsilons.

The multitasking library supports a subset of IEEE POSIX Threads, and is compatible with threads on Sun’s Solaris 2.5 and above. By supporting the 1750’s interrupt mechanism and 100 levels of priority with pre-emptive scheduling, libpthread offers good support for real-time systems.


The XGC Libraries (User Manual)