1.2. Compiler Options

If a source file contains errors, then it is useful to get a listing that shows the source with the error messages clearly pointing to the errors. The following example shows how get to get source listing from the compiler.

Example 1-3. Source Code Listing

$ m68k-coff-gcc -c --list bad-hello.cor
XGC CORAL66 Compiler Version 1.7

Compiling: bad-hello.cor (time stamp: 2001/11/02 11:23:18)

     1. 'external' (
     2.   'procedure' write ('value''integer', 'byte''array', 'value''integer');
     3. )
     5. 'begin'
     6.    'byte''array' Buf [1:12] := "Hello world", 10;
     8.    write (1, Buff, 12);
        >>> error: Parameter must refer to an array
        >>> error: "Buff" is not declared

     9. 'end'

If you want to see the generated code, then compile with the option -Wa,-a. The first part (-Wa,) means pass the second part (-a) to the assembler. You could also use the object code dump utility m68k-coff-objdump to disassemble the generated code. If you compiled using the debug option -g then the disassembled instructions will be annotated with symbolic references.

Here is an example where the compiler generates a machine code listing that shows the generated code with the assembled machine code.

Example 1-4. Machine Code Listing

$ m68k-coff-gcc -c -Wa,-a hello.cor
68K GAS  /tmp/ccYwbyC9.s                        page 1

   1                            .file   "hello2.cor"
   2                    gcc2_compiled.:
   3                    __gnu_compiled_c66:
   4                            .section .rdata,"r"
   5                    .LC0:
   6 0000 4865 6C6C             .ascii "Hello World\0"
   6      6F20 576F 
   6      726C 6400 
   7                            .text
   8                            .even
   9                    .globl main
  10                    main:
  11 0000 4E56 0000             link.w  %a6,#0
  12 0004 4879 0000             pea     .LC0
  12      0024 
  13 000a 4878 0001             pea     1.w
  14 000e 4EB9 0000             jsr     outstring__Fii
  14      0000 
  15 0014 4878 0001             pea     1.w
  16 0018 4EB9 0000             jsr     outnewline__Fi
  16      0000 
  17 001e 7000                  moveq.l #0,%d0
  18 0020 4E5E                  unlk    %a6
  19 0022 4E75                  rts

We can list the source, generated code and machine code together, as in the following example:

Example 1-5. Machine Code Listing with Interleaved Source

$ m68k-coff-gcc -c -g -Wa,-ahld coralio.cor
  49:coralio.cor   ****    'comment'  Output one character to the operating system;
  50:coralio.cor   **** 
  51:coralio.cor   ****    'procedure' outchar ('value''integer' file, char);
  18                    .LM1:
  19 0000 4E56 0000             link.w  %a6,#0
  20                    .LBB2:
  52:coralio.cor   ****    'begin'
  53:coralio.cor   ****       'byte''array' buf [0:0];
  54:coralio.cor   **** 
  55:coralio.cor   ****       buf [0] := char;
  22                    .LM2:
  23 0004 41F9 0000             lea     buf.0,%a0
  23      014A 
  24 000a 10AE 000F             move.b  15(%a6),(%a0)
  56:coralio.cor   ****       write (1, buf, 1);
  26                    .LM3:
  27 000e 4878 0001             pea     1.w
  28 0012 2F08                  move.l  %a0,-(%sp)
  29 0014 4878 0001             pea     1.w
  30 0018 4EB9 0000             jsr     write
  30      0000 
  31                    .LBE2:
  32 001e 4E5E                  unlk    %a6
  33 0020 4E75                  rts

Here is another example using the object code dump utility.

Example 1-6. Disassembling Object Code

$ m68k-coff-objdump -d -l hello2

hello2:     file format coff-m68k

Disassembly of section .text:

00000400 <_stext>:
     400:       227c 0000 1508  moveal  #5384,%a1
     406:       207c 0010 0000  moveal  #1048576,%a0
     40c:       203c 0010 0004  movel   #1048580,%d0
     412:       9088            subl    %a0,%d0
     414:       6f08            bles    41e <_stext+0x1e>
     416:       20d9            movel   %a1@+,%a0@+
     418:       5980            subql   #4,%d0
     41a:       4a80            tstl    %d0
...lots of output...

You can see how big your program is using the size command. The sizes are in bytes.

$ m68k-coff-size hello2
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   5384       4     324    5712    1650 hello2

The names "text", "data" and "bss" refer to program sections as follows.


The text section contains executable instructions


The data section contains program variables and other initialized data


The bss section contains program variables and other data initialized to zero

To get more detail you can use the object code dump program, and ask for headers.

Example 1-7. Section Headers

$ m68k-coff-objdump -h hello2

hello2:     file format coff-m68k

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .init         00000400  00000000  00000000  00002000  2**2
  1 .text         00000ecc  00000400  00000400  00002400  2**2
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE
  2 .rdata        0000023c  000012cc  000012cc  000032cc  2**2
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE
  3 .data         00000004  00100000  00001508  00004000  2**2
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  4 .bss          00000144  00100004  00100004  00000000  2**2
  5 .stab         00002f28  00000000  00000000  00004004  2**2
  6 .stabstr      00000eea  00000000  00000000  00006f2c  2**0