9.2. Switches for gnatls

gnatls recognizes the following switches:


Consider all units, including those of the predefined Ada library. Especially useful with -d.


List sources from which specified units depend on.


Output the list of options.


Only output information about object files.


Only output information about source files.


Only output information about compilation units.

-aOdir, -aIdir, -Idir, -I-

Source and Object path manipulation. Same meaning as the equivalent gnatmake flags. See Section 4.2


Verbose mode. Output the complete source and object paths. Do not use the default column layout but instead use long format giving as much as information possible on each requested units, including special characteristics such as:


The unit is preelaborable in the Ada 95 sense.


No elaboration code has been produced by the compiler for this unit.


The unit is pure in the Ada 95 sense.


The unit contains a pragma Elaborate_Body.


The unit contains a pragma Remote_Types.


The unit contains a pragma Shared_Passive.


This Unit is part of the predefined environment and cannot be modified by the user.


The unit contains a pragma Remote_Call_Interface.