1.3. The Generated Code

If you want to see the generated code, then use the compiler option -Wa,-a. The first part (-Wa,) means pass the second part (-a) to the assembler. To get a listing that includes interleaved source code, use the options -g and -Wa,-ahld. See The XGC Ada Users Guide, for more information on assembler options.

Here is an example where we generate a machine code listing.

Example 1-6. Generating a Machine Code Listing

$ m1750-coff-gcc -c -O2 -Wa,-a hello.adb
   1                            .file  "hello.adb"
   2                    gcc2_compiled.:
   3                    __gnu_compiled_ada:
   4                            .section .rdata,"r"
   5                    .LC0:
   6 0000 0048                  .word  72
   7 0002 0065                  .word  101
   8 0004 006C                  .word  108
   9 0006 006C                  .word  108
  10 0008 006F                  .word  111
  11 000a 0020                  .word  32
  12 000c 0057                  .word  87
  13 000e 006F                  .word  111
  14 0010 0072                  .word  114
  15 0012 006C                  .word  108
  16 0014 0064                  .word  100
  17                    .LC1:
  18 0016 0001                  .word  1
  19 0018 000B                  .word  11
  20                            .text
  21                    .global _ada_hello
  22                    _ada_hello:
  23 0000 9FEE                  pshm   r14,r14
  24 0002 81EF                  lr     r14,r15
  25 0004 81BF                  lr     r11,r15
  26 0006 4AB9 8000             xorm   r11,0x8000
  27 000a F0B0 0000             c      r11,_stack_limit
  28 000e 7B02                  bge    .+4
  29 0010 7708                  bex    8
  30 0012 8500 0000             lim    r0,.LC0
  31 0016 8510 000B             lim    r1,.LC1
  32 001a 7EF0 0000             sjs    r15,ada__text_io__put_line__2
  33 001e 81FE                  lr     r15,r14
  34 0020 8FEE                  popm   r14,r14
  35 0022 7FF0                  urs    r15

You could also use the object code dump utility m1750-coff-objdump to disassemble the generated code. If you compiled using the debug option -g then the disassembled instructions will be annotated with symbolic references.

Here is an example using the object code dump utility.

Example 1-7. Output from Object Code Dump Program

$ m1750-coff-objdump -d hello.o

hello.o:     file format coff-m1750

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_ada_hello>:
   0:   9f ee           pshm   r14,r14
   2:   81 ef           lr     r14,r15
   4:   81 bf           lr     r11,r15
   6:   4a b9 80 00     xorm   r11,32768
   a:   f0 b0 00 00     c      r11,0 <_ada_hello>
   e:   7b 02           bge    2
  10:   77 08           bex    8
  12:   85 00 00 00     lim    r0,0
  16:   85 10 00 0b     lim    r1,11
  1a:   7e f0 00 00     sjs    r15,0 <_ada_hello>
  1e:   81 fe           lr     r15,r14
  20:   8f ee           popm   r14,r14
  22:   7f f0           urs    r15

You can see how big your program is using the size command. Note that the sizes are in 8-bit bytes and not 16-bit words.

Example 1-8. Using the Size Program

$ m1750-coff-size hello.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
     62       0       0      62      3e hello.o
$ m1750-coff-size hello
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   9134     744     870   10748    29fc hello

To get more detail you can use the object code dump program, and ask for headers. Once again the sizes are in bytes. The addresses are byte addresses.

Example 1-9. Object Code Section Headers

$ m1750-coff-objdump -h hello
hello:     file format coff-m1750

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .init         00000036  00000000  00000000  00001000  2**1
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE
  1 .ivec         00000040  00000040  00000040  00001040  2**1
  2 .text         000021c2  00000100  00000100  00001100  2**1
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE
  3 .rdata        00000176  000022c2  000022c2  000032c2  2**1
  4 .data         000002e8  00010000  00002438  00004000  2**1
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  5 .bss          00000366  000102f0  000102f0  00000000  2**1
  6 .stab         00004e60  00000000  00000000  000042e8  2**1
  7 .stabstr      00005f3c  00000000  00000000  00009148  2**0