Getting Started with GCC-ERC32: C/C++ Compilation System for Mission Critical Spacecraft Applications | ||
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By default, the executable file is in Common Object File Format (COFF). Using the object code utility program erc-coff-objcopy, COFF files may be converted into several other industry-standard formats, such as ELF, Intel Hex, and Motorola S Records.
The following example shows how we convert an COFF file to Intel Hex format.
If you don't need the COFF file, then you can get the linker to generate the Intel Hex file directly.
Example 2-7. Generating Intel Hex
$ erc-coff-gcc hello.c -o hello.ihex -oformat=ihex $ more hello.ihex :020000040200F8 :1000000010800280010000000100000001000000DB :10001000A14800002900800381C52260A610201D90 :10002000A14800002900800381C52260A610201B82 :10003000A14800002900800381C52260A610201B72 :10004000A14800002900800381C52260A610201B62 :10005000A14800002900800381C5208CA61020053E :10006000A14800002900800381C520E8A6102006D1 :10007000A14800002900800381C52260A610201D30 :10008000A14800002900800381C52204A610200099 ...lots of output... $
We can run the Intel Hex file, as in the following example:
Or we can generate Motorola S Records, and run from there.
Example 2-9. Recompiling and Running with S-Records
$ erc-coff-gcc hello.c -o hello.sre -oformat=srec $ more hello.sre S00C000068656C6C6F2E73726567 S3150200000010800280010000000100000001000000D3 S31502000010A14800002900800381C52260A610201D88 S31502000020A14800002900800381C52260A610201B7A S31502000030A14800002900800381C52260A610201B6A S31502000040A14800002900800381C52260A610201B5A S31502000050A14800002900800381C5208CA610200536 ...lots of output... $ erc-coff-run hello.sre Hello world $