1.2. Installing on GNU/Linux

The first step is to become the root user. Enter the super user command followed by the root password. For example:

$ su
Password: PASSWORD

The next step is to insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, and mount the CD-ROM as an ISO9660 file system. We assume your CD-ROM is mounted at /mnt/cdrom.

# mount /mnt/cdrom
# ls /mnt/cdrom
AUTHORS     NEWS        benchmarks  demo        html        tests
COPYING     README      contrib     dist        manuals
INSTALL     THANKS      dasia       examples    src

There are two distribution files for GNU/Linux as follows:

If you have Caldera OpenLinux Version 1.2, Version 1.3, or a compatible operating system from another vendor, then you should install gcc-1750-1.2-i386-linux-1.3.tar.gz. If you have Caldera OpenLinux Version 2.2, or a compatible operating system from another vendor, then you should install gcc-1750-1.2-i386-linux-2.2.tar.gz.

You will require approximately 20MB of disk space to complete the installation. To check disk space, use the df -k command:

# df -kl /opt
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdb1            2028098 1052980   870296     55%   /

You should then uncompress and un-tar the distribution file at the top level of the directory tree. If you have the GNU version of tar, then you can uncompress and un-tar with a single command, as follows:

# cd /
# tar zxvf /mnt/cdrom/dist/gcc-1750-1.2-i386-linux-2.2.tar.gz 
... lots of output

Before you unmount the CD-ROM, you may wish to copy the examples, demonstration and benchmarks to your local file-system.

# umount /mnt/cdrom

Users of GCC-1750 will need to add the directory /opt/xgc/bin to their path.